1 Answers

In short, no.

  1. During Auto, if your Team's Robot moves an Alliance Partner's purple Pixel from an unscored position (e.g., not On the correct Spike Mark) to a Scored position (e.g., On the correct Spike Mark), it will not be scored, as it was not placed there by the Robot that started with it.
  2. If your Team's Robot moves an Alliance Partner's purple Pixel from a Scored to unscored position before the end of Auto, it will not score.

Some key phrases found in GM2:

  • Section 4.4.2 (page 16): "A Robot may only use its own Pre-Loaded Pixels to earn Randomization Task points."
  • Section 4.3 (page 13), under "Score / Scoring": "Scored at Rest: The achievement is considered Scored based on the position of the Robot or Scoring Element when the entire field has come to rest after the Period (Autonomous or Driver-Controlled) ends.

Also, see FTC Official Q&A Q231, Q243, Q46, and Q47 for reference.